Bar della Biochimica

8-9-10 february 2025

BIOCHEMISTRY BAR Edited by Eugenio Luigi Iorio


Almost all Italians have their own go-to bar, often on the street corner, where people meet to chat or grab a quick coffee before going to work.

Especially in residential areas, the bar sometimes becomes a moment of escape from daily stress, a distraction, or even the ideal place to read the newspaper, catch up on news, thanks to the bartender who often becomes an impromptu confidant or even a friend. And then, as Luciano De Crescenzo says, referring to the most consumed drink at the bar: "Have you ever wondered what coffee is? Coffee is an excuse. An excuse to tell a friend that you love them."

We also intend to use an excuse, that of science, to tell you, in our own way, that we love you, that we intend to take care of your well-being. For this reason, from 8 to 10 February 2025, we look forward to seeing you at the BAR della BIOCHIMICA. Born over 10 years ago, the BAR della BIOCHIMICA (which has traveled around the world, even receiving a special award in Monte Carlo) is also proposed this year as a special occasion to reduce the distances between scientific research and everyday life. Various topics will be covered, but all linked to each other by LIFESTYLE MEDICINE: nutrition, physical activity, spirituality, successful and very high aging.

And then an in-depth look at LIPEDEMA, a real social emergency. In the background, as in previous years, REDOX BIOLOGY and OXIDATIVE STRESS, with live analysis of biological samples. The exceptional BARMAN once again is Dr. Eugenio Luigi Iorio, a medical surgeon, specialist in clinical biochemistry and PhD in biochemical sciences, professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia (Minas Gerais, Brazil).

We are waiting for you all at the BIOCHIMICA BAR!

Eugenio Luigi Iorio

Eugenio Luigi Iorio

Surgeon, Specialist in Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry, PhD in Biochemical Sciences. President of the International Observatory of Oxidative Stress and the Popular University of Lifestyle Medicine. Professor of Health Sciences at the Federal University of Uberlândia (Minas Gerais State, Brazil), and Academic Advisor of the Tokyo Redox Center (Tokyo, Japan)

Organizzato da


Via Portuense, 1645-1647
00148 Rome – Italia
+39 06 65074521

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Fiera Roma Srl con Socio Unico, Via Portuense 1645-1647, 00148 Roma – Loc. Ponte Galeria – P.I. 07540411001
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