Inclusive Beauty and Sustainable Fashion

Sunday 9 February 2025

Inclusive Beauty and Sustainable Fashion The event "Inclusive Beauty and Sustainable Fashion" will reveal to the public the curiosities behind the fashion event.


The backstage secrets of fashion before the presentation on the stage of Roma International Estetica, a Tableau Vivant featuring a fashion show curated by Maria Cristina Rigano.

Models from Futura Moda e Management, with different body types, skin tones, and ages, will showcase creations made from eco-friendly fabrics and produced through ethical processes by Maiani Accademia Moda, Flavio Filippi, Natalia Onofre e da Zafira.

Inclusivity and sustainability are themes dear to RIE’s artistic director, Pablo Gil Cagné: “Embracing diversity is the true essence of beauty, and we reveal this through the selection of the models and their preparation.”

Make-up artists from theFace Place Academy by Pablo Gil Cagné will be joined by the Hair Stylists of Accademia I Sargassi.

Organized by


Via Portuense, 1645-1647
00148 Roma – Italia
+39 06 65074521

Certified by


Fiera Roma Srl con Socio Unico, Via Portuense 1645-1647, 00148 Roma – Loc. Ponte Galeria – P.I. 07540411001
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